In support we need a lot of background information to process the tickets. Each support case is individual and needs time and attention - therefore this list should only be used as a "guideline".
- System ID (XID) (you can find this on the XPhone Connect Server administration interface start page).
- Version to XPhone Server and Client
- Since when does the behavior occur (was there an update etc. change of settings)?
- Has it worked before?
- How does the behavior manifest itself and where does it occur?
- Is the behavior only sporadic or can it be reproduced?
- Is only one user/site affected or are all users affected?
Depending on the issue, we may need more specific information:
- Telephone system (incl. version)
- Information about the system environment (operating systems (server and client, bit size), virus scanner, etc.)
- Version to Outlook / Exchange / Notes
- Headset (for softphone)
- Is the XCC outsourced?
In most cases additional log files are needed for analysis. Depending on the topic we need corresponding files. Here are some general examples:
Ticket subject: | Required log files: |
CSTA/TAPI telephony (CTI) | Telephony Gateway (PBX-Log) |
Fax, Voicemail, SMS | UM-Services |
Softphone/AnyDevice/(Web-)Meeting (Signalling) | XCC- and SIP-Gateway-Logs (incl. Wireshark) |
Softphone Mobile | XCC- and SIP-Gateway-Logs and mobile logs from the mobile client and a manually created Wireshark |
Which administrator has changed something? | Area "Logging > Changelog" in the admin interface |
Behaviors that appear within the client | Client-Log |
Problems during (de)installation | All .txt files under C:\Windows starting with "C4B..." |
TeamDesk | XCC- and SIP-Gateway-Logs, Windows Eventlog (Modul: TeamDesk), PBX-Log (nur wenn Tischtelefone beteiligt sind) |
Mobile App | Mobile (log entries client) and Mobile (server log) |
Directory | Directory Log, Eventlog Windows Eventlog (Module: XPhone Connect Directory category of data source type / client interfaces) |
Instructions for the logs mentioned in the table can be found at the bottom of this page.
The logs are also not mandatory at the ticketer opening, because we need different logs in more specific cases.
You can get the information about which logs are needed and how to create them from our support, if necessary.
If the log files exceed a size of 20MB, you can use our FTP upload to provide us with the files.
Please use these access data:
- FTP server:
- User: f0162db6
- Password: FTPSupport
Please note that you cannot see the content of the server. There is only write access.
We need feedback as soon as the files are uploaded. We also need the names of the transferred files to be able to assign them to this ticket.
If you have created log files according to our instructions, please send them to us completely and not individual files or text excerpts.
For each log we need an exact description of the incident, which includes the time of the error, the involved phone numbers and the observed behavior, etc. including
Landline (PBX-Log)
Festnetzgateway (PBX-Log)
- Activate logging on the XPhone Connect Server under System settings > Logging > Telephony gateways by setting the log level for the corresponding telephony gateway to "Debug messages".
- Adjust the behavior and note the details of the test (caller, called number, displayed number, times)
- Deactivate logging on the XPhone Connect Server again under System settings > Logging > Telephony gateways by setting the log level for the corresponding telephony gateway to "Off".
- Now download the logs on the XPhone Connect Server under Logging > Telephony gateways:
- Select telephony gateway
- Click on the "Show log files" button
- Download" button > "Download log files & diagnostic information" button
As a result you will receive a ZIP archive with several files, including diagnostics.txt, dialing_parameters.wpx and various Telephony Gateway logs. Please send us this ZIP file together with your process description.
- To do this, open the XPhone Connect Server administration interface under system settings > logging > UM services.
- Make sure the log level is set to "Detailed debug messages" and click save
- Now delete old logs by clicking on "Logging" under system settings > UM > services below any service, e.g. "Voicemail". A new window will open. Click on "Delete" and close the window.Now restart the services by clicking on the button "Stop all" under system settings > UM> services and then on "Start all".
- Now adjust the behavior again and note down the exact procedure
- Then download the logs by clicking on "Logging" under system settings > UM> services below any service, e.g. "Voicemail", and then on the "Download" button.
Send us the downloaded ZIP file together with your exact process description.
- Start the XCAPI configuration interface "XCAPI Configuration
- Now please change to the expert view "Show all options (F8)".
- There you find the item "Trace"
- Activate it and reproduce the behavior, or let the trace run until the behavior occurs again.
- Deactivate the trace again and send us these logs with an exact description of the process (when which phone numbers were involved).
XCC- und SIP-Gateway-Logs (incl. Wireshark)
XCC- und SIP-Gateway-Logs (inkl. Wireshark)
For the Wireshark trace, set the correct "Ethernet Adapter" and "LoopBack Adapter" in the SIP gateway, this will then be created automatically.
Important: Please check the network interfaces and save (!) the SIP Gateway again (it will not be restarted by this, so it can be done during operation), so that the correct adapters are saved in the database.
For earlier versions, the Wireshark can also be created by hand. If a Wireshark trace with unfiltered language packets is required, this is mandatory. Please refer to our KB article:
Then navigate in the administration interface to "System Settings > Logging > Telephony Gateways".
Set the log level of the gateways "XCC" and the corresponding SIP gateway to "Debug messages".
After enabling logging in the admin interface as well as Wireshark trace, please readjust the behavior.
For a detailed description of the scenario, please answer the following questions:
> Who has
- When
- Who (external, internal (which device), number...)
- How (which Devices were involved -> AnyDevice (which one incl. number), Softphone, CTI)
- Called?
> How does the problematic behavior manifest itself?
> Is this behavior sporadic or 100% reproducible?
After reproducing the behavior, you can stop the Wireshark trace via the red square in the upper left corner, if it was activated manually. Then save the Wireshark trace via "File -> Save as..."
To make sure that the logfiles of the XCC and SIP gateway are really complete, you have to set the log level back to "Off" under "System Settings > Logging > Telephony Gateways". You can download the latest log files by selecting the corresponding gateway and clicking the "Show log files" button in the upper area. A new window will open. There you click the button "Download..." > "Download only the most recent log files of the current day" > "Download log files & diagnostic files". Repeat this for the other gateway.
If you downloaded everything correctly, you should find the following files:
- XPhoneConnect_PBXTrace_XCC_*date*.zip
- XPhoneConnect_PBXTrace_*name-sip-gateway*_*date*.zip
- Wireshark trace (only relevant if created by hand)
Send us the two .zip files as well as the manually created Wireshark trace including the detailed description of the involved phone numbers, times and call history.
Manually created Wireshark Trace
In case of e.g. problems with language, STUN, etc. we need a manually created Wireshark trace which contains all packages relevant for support. Please follow the instructions below to do so:
XCC swapped in:
XCC outsourced (satellite):
- Call up the "Configuration" in the XPhone Connect Client and go to the "Logging" area.
- Click on the "Open folder" button and delete any logs that may already exist there. You may have to close XPhone and Outlook or Lotus Notes Client to do this. Leave the log directory open!
- Activate the "General" and "Client-Server Connection" options under "Logging".
- Exit XPhone Connect and Outlook or Lotus Notes Client
- Start the XPhone Connect Client
- Reconstruct the behavior and make a note of exactly which actions were performed
- Now quit XPhone Connect Client again
Create a ZIP archive from all generated log files and send it to us with your detailed description of the process.
Open XPhone Connect Directory Administration via Server Manager or the administration interface. Log in and click on Logging. Set the two checkmarks, save and readjust the behavior. The log files can then be viewed via the "Open folder" button.
- Navigate to "Logging > Modules > ..." in the XPhone Connect administration interface.
- Set category "..." to "Detailed debug messages".
- Adjust the behavior
- Send us the application log of the event display as .evtx file
Get the event log by opening the Windows "Event Viewer" (either via the Windows Start button search or in Connect Server Manager under "Tools > Event Viewer..."), navigating to "Windows Logs > Application" in the left tree structure and clicking the "Save all events as..." button on the right.
Mobile (log entries client)
Mobile (Protokolleinträge Client)
There are two ways to enable logging of the mobile app:
- On the login screen, tap the version number at the bottom.
- In the app, tap on the gear wheel at the top right and select "Show diagnostic options".
You will now be taken to the diagnostic options. To create the logs, enable each category in the "Logging" section. Then readjust the behavior. Return to the diagnostic options and tap "Send log entries" and send us the logs along with the operation description.
The following information must be included in the operation description:
- Model / firmware and version of all devices involved
- XPhone and mobile app version
- How many users are affected?
Mobile (serverlog)
Mobile (Serverlog)
Logging for the mobile app is configured on the XPhone Connect server in the "Web.config" file in the "<server installation directory\XPhoneMobile>" directory:
Set the <Enabled> section to true, specify LogFilename and LogFolder (name e.g. "XPhoneMobile.svclog" and folder "C:\Temp\Mobile" - enter both without quotes between the <> brackets) and set "Verbose" instead of "Off" for the categories "All", "ClientServerCommunication" and "Common" respectively.<!--
LogCategory -> Category: All | ClientServerCommunication | Common
LogCategory -> TraceLevel: Off | Info | Warnung | Error | Verbose
<LogCategory Category="All" TraceLevel="Off" />
<LogCategory Category="ClientServerCommunication" TraceLevel="Off" />
<LogCategory Category="Common" TraceLevel="Off" />
On the specified log directory, the permission "Everyone" -> "Full access" must be set so that the log files can be written.
A restart of the XPhone Connect Server service is not required.
Readjust the behavior and then send us the generated log files.
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