Windows Perfmon, or performance monitoring, is a tool for monitoring and analyzing system performance. It enables real-time monitoring of system resources such as CPU, memory, hard disks and network activity. With Perfmon, administrators can collect performance data, diagnose performance problems and perform long-term performance analysis.
The creation and evaluation of individual performance monitoring (Perfmon) in Windows Server is explained below.
Set up
- Open the performance monitor
- Press Win + R to open the Run dialog box.
- Type perfmon and press Enter. This will open the Performance Monitor console.
- Create a new data collector group.
To do this, click on Data collector sets in the left-hand navigation area and then select User-defined.
Right-click on User-defined and select New > Data collector set.
Give the new data collector set a name (e.g. XPhoneConnect) and select Create from template. Then click on Next.
Click on Browse and then select the appropriate template from the installation directory of the XPhone Connect Server:
C:\Program Files\C4B\XPhone Connect Server\Support\Perfmon\XPhoneConnectServer-DataCollectorSet.xml
Select the XPhone Connect Server template data collector set and then click Next.
If necessary, change the root directory in which the data is to be saved. Click on Finish.
Right-click on the new object you have just created. Then click on Properties.
Switch to the Stop Condition tab and configure the following values:
Save your settings with the OK button.
Click on Start (in the menu bar or in the context menu of the object)
Long-term monitoring
If you want to create a long-term perfmon log, configure your data collection set as follows:
- Open the performance monitor
- Right-click on the new object you have just created. Then click on Properties.
- Switch to the Stop Condition tab and configure the following values:
- Save your settings with the OK button.
- Then click on the object Data collector sets > User-defined > Your data collector set (e.g. XPhoneConnect) > DataCollector01 and select Properties:
- Change the units of measurement for the Sample interval to minutes (i.e. 1 minute instead of 1 second) and save the setting by clicking OK:
- Click on Start (in the menu bar or in the context menu of the object)
Task scheduling
Performance monitoring is automatically terminated when the server is restarted and is not automatically restarted. You can find out how to configure the automatic start in the task scheduler here:
- Press the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
- Enter taskschd.msc and press Enter to open the task scheduler.
- Navigate to the following path: Task Scheduler Library > Microsoft > Windows > PLA
- Right-click on your data collection set (e.g. XPhoneConnect) and select Properties.
- Switch to the Triggers tab and click on the New button....
- Configure the Start task: On startup drop-down menu
- Save your settings by clicking on OK.
C4B provides a preconfigured customized Performance Monitor.
Open the following file and display all XPhone Performance Counters in the Performance Monitor:
C:\Program Files\C4B\XPhone Connect Server\Support\Perfmon\XPhoneConnectServer-Monitoring.msc
Stopping the log for sending
Please note that you should stop the Perfmon logs before sending them, otherwise there may be problems opening the copied log files.
- Open the performance monitor
- Press Win + R to open the Run dialog box.
- Type perfmon and press Enter. This will open the Performance Monitor console.
- Click on the object Data collector sets > User-defined > Your data collector set (e.g. XPhoneConnect) and select Stop (in the menu bar or in the context menu of the object).
You can then copy and send the Perfmon logs from the root directory that you specified during setup.
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