You can use the tool Dialling Parameters Special Configuration to test the settings of each of your telephony dialling parameters and set special configurations which are not possible in the web interface.
You can export and reimport all configured parameter rules for either all dialling parameters or a single one.
To start the Dialling Parameters Special Configuration manager, start the XPhone Connect Server Manager or XPhone Server Service Manager. Open Tools > Dialling Parameters Special Configuration.
Rule Types
1. Special parameters
Special parameters generate multiple direct dialling parameters, it is a simplified way of generating Match- or Match/Replace-parameters. Special parameters can be configured via the XPhone Server web interface under DIALLING PARAMETERS or alternatively via the Dialling Parameters Special Configuration tool.
1.1 TieLineCodes
Key figure for external networks that don't need an area code but are generally longer than the internal numbers.
Format: Multiple key figures separated by comma.
1.2 MulapPrefix
In a HiPath 3000 or Openscape Business environment: Prefixes for users in Mulap groups. Mulap prefixes don't need to be considered for the internal number length (ExtToInt-rule). Additionally you can remove the Mulap prefixes from the number display by using the character X in front of the Mulap prefixes (PhoneToDisplay and LineToDisplay-rules), meaning the display of only the Mulap group number in the journal entry. Further is the prefix removed when initiating a call (DisplayToDialable-rule). A DisplayToHashcode rule is generated for managing internal rights such as call pickup.
Format: Multiple prefixes separated by comma, i.e. X**, X*** or X77,X99
1.3 NodeIDs
In the environment of Unify-PBX: Node numbers with "Open numbering". The stated node numbers will be removed from the display. An exclamation mark ! in front of the node number disables the removal in the display again, meaning that in this case the node numbers will appear in the journal. If node numbers are being used to change phone numbers to the national or international long format, you are not allowed to use this parameter.
Format: Multiple node numbers separated by comma, i.e. 66,77 or !66,!77
1.4 DefaultPhoneToDisplayFmt
Default format for the display of phone numbers, i.e. in the call journal, which stem from the PBX and belong directly to the call partner.
2: As on the phone (Default)
16: National, always starting with the area code
32: International, starting with 00
64: Mobile, starting with +
1.5 DefaultLineToDisplayFmt
Default format for the display of phone numbers, which stem from the PBX and do not directly belong to the call partner, i.e. the called number (Called no.)
2: As on the phone (Default)
16: National, always starting with the area code
32: International, starting with 00
64: Mobile, starting with +
1.6 Flags
This parameter causes the number to be generally dialled in a fixed format, i.e. if numbers should always be dialled with the area code, even if the call partner is in the same area code range. For this case the value 16 is used.
1.7 Version
This parameter guarantees the functionality of regular expressions generated with older XPhone versions. To use new syntax, for example using an X in front of MulapPrefix-parameter values, you need to delete this entry.
2. Match Parameter
Match parameters are configured exclusively via the Dialling Parameters Special Configuration tool. You can start this tool via the XPhone Server service manager under Tools:
2.1 IntToExt
Numbers which are considered internal numbers due to the dialling parameters can be "flagged" as external numbers. This has possible implications when using the external access code.
Format: Regular expression which contains the to the dialling format reduced (so, internal) number as the Match-input.
Advanced: You can use an additional Match-entry with format recognition. The format recognition consists out of three characters which are placed in front of the phone number before the dialling parameter is tested.
Character 1:
C: own country code (countrycode) available
I: different country code available
c: no country code available
Character 2:
A: own area code (areacode) available
a: own area code not available
Character 3:
H: Home number (homenumber) available
h: Home number not available
Note: The regular expression [Cc][Aa][Hh] always applies, that means it has no additional filter functionality. With the regular expression [Cc][A][H] only numbers dialled with your own area code and home number are considered.
2.2 ExtToInt
Numbers which are considered external numbers due to the dialling parameters can be "flagged" as internal numbers. This has possible implications when using the external access code. Changing the number at the possibly available and unown dialling parameters is not possible. For this you need to create a DisplayToDialable rule.
Format: Regular expression which contains the entire international number as Match-input. So i.e. ^0049898407980
Advanced: Additional format recognition: (see IntToExt)
2.3 TieLineMatch
Numbers in networked locations which are external due to the dialling parameters will still be dialled without the external access code. The main difference to ExtToInt is that the number is still flagged as "external", meaning that functions in the client are still able to differentiate them to real internal calls.
Format: Regular expression which contains the entire international number as Match-input. So i.e. 49898407980
Advanced: Additional format recognition: (see IntToExt)
3. Match/Replace Parameter
3.1 DisplayToDialable
With this parameter you can modify the called number.
Format: Regular expression which contains the with the default dialling parameters determined number as Match-input. The Match needs to contain the shortest diallable number. In Germany or Austria you need to enter a number without area code, if the partner uses the same area code.
Advanced: The following switches can be placed in front of the converted number:
i: Number is "flagged" as internal -> no external access code is dialled. When using a connector to create and match lines we recommend to use t and not i.
t: Number is "flagged" as internal in networked PBX systems -> no external access code is dialled.
e: Number is "flagged" as external -> external access code is dialled
eXe: Number is "flagged" as external and the eternal access code is replaced with X
3.2 DisplayToDisplay
Conversion of numbers / Display formats of numbers
Format: Regular expression which contains the with the default dialling parameters determined number in the requested display format as Match-input. If a DefaultPhoneToDisplayFmt or DefaultLineToDisplayFmt parameter is used, you need to use the dialled format, i.e. international, as the Match value.
3.3 DisplayToHashCode
Additional modification of the HashCode generation. Two numbers are only equal when their HashCode (=complete international number without leading '0') is equal.
Number comparisons take place in the number search in address books and are important for call pickups via the Team-Panel.
Format: Regular expression which contains the with the default dialling parameters determined HashCode.
Advanced: The following switches can be placed in front of the converted number: i, t, e (see DisplayToDialable)
3.4 PhoneToDisplay
Modification of the numbers transmitted by the PBX. This filter is only used for numbers which directly belong to the call partner.
Format: Regular expression which contains the from the PBX transmitted number. If you've set the distance of the external access code in the dialling parameters then this will be inserted before.
Note: If you don't use DefaultPhoneToDisplayFmt=2 for the display, a DisplayToDisplay-conversion will automatically be generated.
3.5 LineToDisplay
Modification of numbers transmitted by the PBX. Contrary to PhoneToDisplay this filter is used for all numbers which don't directly belong to the call partner, i.e. called numbers (Called no.), redirecting line (Redirecting no.)
Format: Regular expression which contains the from the PBX transmitted number as Match-input.
Note: If you don't use DefaultPhoneToDisplayFmt=2 for the display, a DisplayToDisplay-conversion will automatically be generated.
Syntax for rules
1. Match
If a new rule is generated in the Dialling Parameter Special Configuration, the field "Value 1" contains the "Match" value, meaning the dialling rule only applies if the value in the field "Value 1" is equal to the respective number. To define this Value 1 the following regular expressions are used:
^ Marks the start of an expression (or the number)
Example: ^123 -> The expression or number starts with 123.
$ The dollar sign marks the end of an expression
Example: ^123$ -> defines the number 123 without any other characters in front and behind.
[ ] Characters in square brackets are enumerations or ranges
Example: [129] -> the figure 1 or 2 or 9. [2-5] -> the figure 2 or 3 or 4 or 5.
. Every dot represents an arbitrary character
Example: ^123...$ -> The number begins with 123 followed by three arbitrary characters.
+ A character followed by a plus-sign stands for one to any number of characters
Example: ^123...+$ -> The number begins with 123 followed by three arbitrary characters and at least one to any number of additional characters
* A character followed by an asterisk stands for no to any number of characters
Example: ^123...*$ -> The number begins with 123 followed by three arbitrary characters and any number of additional characters
? A character followed by a question mark stands for no or one character
Example: ^123[2-5]?$ -> The number begins with 123 and is either followed by a number between 2 and 5 or no number. ^....? -> Stands for three arbitrary characters and no follow-up or an additional arbitrary character (i.e. three to four-digit extensions)
| The pipe stands for "or"
Example: ^123|456$ means the number 123 or 456
{ } Curly Brackets apply to the expression before. The value in the curly brackets defines how often this value is repeated.
Example: 5{6} -> corresponds to 555555 - ^[0-9]{3,5}$ -> a number between 0 and 9 repeats at least three to a maximum of five times (i.e. three to five-digit extensions)
( ) Parentheses split the Match in multiple sections, so called replacement groups. These are numbered in series. Parentheses beginning with ?: are not accounted for. The replacement groups are important for the Replace (Value 2) to, for example, remove or repeat parts of a String.
Example: ^(08912345)([0-9]{2,3})$ depicts a sequence of characters beginning with 08912345 and ending with a two to three-digit extension. The String contains two replacement groups, in this example the number and the two to three-digit extensions. You could remove the first replacement group in the Replace and insert a node number instead (see the following description to "Replace").
2. Replace
The field Value 2 (Replace) is only available when defining a Match/Replace parameter. The Replace defines in which form the value (number) of the Match (Value 1) will be transformed.
Usually replacement groups are removed from Value 1 and numbers either put in front or appended.
$ The dollar sign in the field Value 2 (Replace) is put in front of a replacement group in order to use it.
Example 1: By entering the value ^(08912345)([0-9]{2,3})$ from above into the Match and 55$2 into the Replace you remove the first replacement group (08912345) and put the (node) number 55 in front. An i or t as prefix ensures that the number stays internal and no external access code is dialled: t55$2
Example 2: The entry $0 uses all replacement groups from the Match and removes only the replacement groups which begin with (:? - if the Match is ^(08912345)(:?89)(...?)$, the Replace value $0 removes the 89 and takes the rest. The same result in this example can be achieved by using the Replace $1$2.
i The number is "flagged" as internal -> no external access code is dialled or rather the number is treated as an internal call, i.e. display in XPhone Client or Team-Panel.
Example: i123456 -> even if the internal number length is for example a 4-digit number, the number 123456 is treated as an internal number (meaning no external access code is dialled, the call is also signalled as an internal call in the XPhone Client and Team-Panel.)
When using connectors to create and match lines we recommend using i instead of t.
t The number is "flagged" as a number in networked PBX systems -> no external access code is dialled. The call however will be treated as an external call (cf. "i")
Example: t123456 -> even if the internal number length is for example a 4-digit number, the number 123456 will be dialled without the external access code but will still be treated as an external call (i.e. call is displayed as an external call in the XPhone Client).
e A number with a prefixed e is "flagged" as external -> external access code is dialled
Example: e112 -> even if the number would be an internal number, it will be dialled externally with external access code
eXe A Number with the prefix eXe is "flagged" as external. The X in this case stands for an arbitrary number
Example: e8e030123456 -> The number 030123456 will be dialled with the external access code 8 instead of the default (i.e. 0).
Application examples
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