- How can I manage users, which have first been created by a Text-Connector, with an AD-Connector?
- Why does the user assignment of lines through the connector not work?
- Which format do phone numbers need to have for Connectors?
- How can I encrypt the AD connector?
- What does the option listed in the AD connector manager called "Only once when setting up a user" mean?
- How can I change the mapping of the AD connector?
- Why does the connector not apply any changes in the source data (Active Directory or csv file)?
- Dynamic lines with the AD connector
- How can I import contacts from Active Directory to the teams (monitoring ring/workgroups)?
- Der Active Directory- oder Textkonnektor löscht nach dem dritten Konnektor-Lauf alle User, die nicht mehr in die Filterkriterien fallen, z.B. sind Benutzer kein Mitglied mehr in der relevanten Sicherheitsgruppe im Active Directory. Was muss konfigurier
- Active Directory Connector / Text Connector: Format of phone numbers