By default, all incoming voicemails are forwarded to the client / Outlook (depending on the setting). It doesn't matter if they are empty or not.
For some customers this can be a problem because they have many callers who never leave a voicemail. The request: Empty voicemails should be ignored.
Note in advance: We cannot determine when a voicemail message was discussed and when and when not. However, most of the time empty voicemails are only one or two seconds long and we can intercept those.
You can set specific values in the UM Settings in the XPhone Server web interface in order to achieve the desired behaviour.
Navigate to "UM > Voicemail > General > Advanced Settings" and add the following two values:
Value: X
This value dictates new recorded voicemails to have the length of at least X seconds in order to count as a "recorded voicemail". Otherwise the voicemail won't be recorded and be set as "Did not leave a message".
Value: 1
This value causes voicemails, where the participant didn't leave a message (or a message that's too short, see the value above), to not be saved in the inbox. It also does not need to be deleted via the user's voicemail.
Disclaimer: The Toast and a Journal entry will be displayed even if one (or both) of the called values applies. The call still counts as a "Call", which causes the Toast and the Journal entry to appear.
After setting these values save and restart the UM Settings and Services.
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